Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Claustrophobia Panic Attack

Claustrophobia Panic Attack

        Wouldn't it be great to hop aboard the TARDIS from the BBC Series Doctor Who and take a trip through time and space? Anyways, today's topic is about Claustrophobia. People who are already prone to having panic attacks will often develop claustrophobia in closed MRI's. With an Open MRI scanner, the claustrophobic element is greatly reduced. Open MRI scanners are optimized to be stress-free as possible. This type of scanners delivers a much more pleasant experience for patients. In other words, If someone is 'claustrophobic' they are frightened of closed or small spaces. Therefore, claustrophobia means the extreme fear of being in confined places. It is surprisingly  kind of phobia. Some people have this irrational distress by being stuck in a lift; either alone or with someone else. 

      Remember, Isaac's claustrophobia panic attack?! Isaac Lahey from Teen Wolf. During lunch time detention, Allison and Isaac get locked into the janitor’s supply closet, a soda machine is shoved up against the outside of the door blocking even Isaac’s enhanced strength from freeing them. He begins to panic, flashing back to the chest freezer in which his father locked him up. He beats on the door; eventually he wolfs out and turns on Allison. At that moment the door flies open and Scott pulls Isaac outside. He roars his name and Isaac calms and begins to apologize after his claustrophobia panic attack. Allison has two bloody scratches on her arm. 

Isaac's claustrophobia panic attack

Isaac's claustrophobia panic attack
       Mr. Lahey would lock Isaac in an unplugged chest freezer in the basement for long stretches. as a form of punishment. Being punished in such a confined space gave Isaac claustrophobia. When Isaac was first forced into the basement he had been quiet. He knew by this point that his father wasn’t going to give into pleas, or bargaining, or tears. He would later forget why his father had been so angry at him, if it was grades or if he came home late that night, but he would never forget the pinpoints of pain as his father’s fingers clenched into his arm, or the cold look in his eyes, or the way that his father had talked, calmly, so calmly, slowly opening the freezer chest door, a large, rusted thing lying on its back. The abuse led to Isaac developing claustrophobia.  That is why when he finds himself locked in a supply closet together with Allison, it triggers Isaac’s claustrophobia caused by years of horrific abuse by his father.  

Isaac's claustrophobia panic attack

        And here is Rose Hathaway, the girl from Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy #6) by Richelle Mead. The mere thought of that—of being in this cell so long—made her feel claustrophobic. I bet Rose was going crazy with boredom and claustrophobia. She does not like cages. She almost had a claustrophobic attack looking at the poor animals at the zoo. She could not imagine any creature living that way. Sometimes she even felt a little bad for criminals, condemned to life in a cell. She had certainly never expected to spend my life in one. Generally, walls establish a closeness that is frightening and claustrophobic. Personally, I am terrified of public places which called agoraphobia. And that is a long story.  

Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy #6)

Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy #6)

       Finally, I think if Isaac Lahey and Rose Hathaway know exactly what the TARDIS is, their Claustrophobia will be cured! 

Dr Who

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